Turning travel photos into art
A few years ago, we took a three week trip through Italy. What a magical country. It still makes me smile when I look through my photos. For me, it's second nature to carry a camera when I travel, though I find these days most people prefer to use their smart phone.
Cinque Terre Italy
After a trip last summer to Scotland, I discovered I had some good shots on my phone and wondered if the quality was high enough to produce a decent enlargement. Surprisingly, it was.
The view of Loch Awe at the Ardanaseig Hotel in Scotland.
The mossy green forest on the grounds of the Ardanaseig Hotel was like something out of a fairy tale.
The colours change here throughout the day and evening.
We stayed in the Boat Shed at Ardanaseig.
Loch Awe, Scotland
You don't have to travel far to capture interesting images. Even a nature walk close to home can be inspiring. Experiment with your camera or your phone to see what you can create.
Check out Posterjack and Pikto -- both Canadian online sources which allow you to order large scale prints with a satin matte finish. If you're looking for something a bit edgier, you can find black and white engineered prints -- like the lightweight prints used by architects -- at Staples. Coloured engineered prints are available from US and International websites like Parabo Press. I haven't found a reliable Canadian source yet. Let me know if you do. Have fun creating art from your travels. Be bold and go big -- a large scale enlargement can add so much personality to your home.