Turning travel photos into art
A few years ago, we took a three week trip through Italy. What a magical country. It still makes me smile when I look through my photos. For me, it's second nature to carry a camera when I travel, though I find these days most people prefer to use their smart phone.
After a trip last summer to Scotland, I discovered I had some good shots on my phone and wondered if the quality was high enough to produce a decent enlargement. Surprisingly, it was.
You don't have to travel far to capture interesting images. Even a nature walk close to home can be inspiring. Experiment with your camera or your phone to see what you can create.
Check out Posterjack and Pikto -- both Canadian online sources which allow you to order large scale prints with a satin matte finish. If you're looking for something a bit edgier, you can find black and white engineered prints -- like the lightweight prints used by architects -- at Staples. Coloured engineered prints are available from US and International websites like Parabo Press. I haven't found a reliable Canadian source yet. Let me know if you do. Have fun creating art from your travels. Be bold and go big -- a large scale enlargement can add so much personality to your home.